Tuesday, January 25, 2005

NO HITTING: 1/27 @8pm!

Reunited, and it feels so good...

Becky Donohue is back from Las Vegas, and she once again joins Jeff Mac at NO HITTING this week. She's chock full of tales of sin, debauchery and some concrete convention that was going on out there.

You are not going to want to miss this one. We've got some great comics this week, some music, and probably some things we couldn't describe without using a puppet or something.

Jon Corbett? The guy's been on the TEE-vee(Premium Blend). We've also got Chuck Funk, for all the weirdos out there. How about Roger Hailes and Mike Weingartner? Oh, and for you audiophiles, we've got The Rob & Mark Show, kicking out the jams. It's going to be an awesome night for Becky's triumphant return. Come on down!


Jeff had a lot of fun co-hosting with Lubka Bubkova (who, if you really squint, looks a lot like Margaret Dodge.) She dropped some mad science on our asses and assured us that it was off the hizook.

Because it was so freaking cold, there wasn't much in the way of an after party. Everybody just went back to their respective sheltering caves. Jeff did have a beer with the lovely Vinny Fallon, and they discussed techniques for working a callback into a one minute audition set.

This week, people, we're not leaving until Becky has spilled every last sordid detail from her Vegas experience. And if you know Becky, you know that could take awhile.